Time Enough
Before coming to Morocco, I admittedly did not know a lot about the history, the culture, the politics or the cuisine.  Being a linguist, I did, however, know a bit about the linguistic situation.  That being said, my entire perception of the country and what was in store for me hinged on that perception.  As it turns out, those other things, like history and politics do have an effect, so my preconceptions have thus far proved to off target.  But yesterday, after over 7 months in country, I finally had a day like I had imagined I would be having before coming to Morocco.  It was perfect and blissful and insanely multilingual.  Here's how it went:

8 am:  Aerobics, in Derija (Moroccan Arabic)
10 am: French Lesson
1 p.m.: Research at the Cervantes Institute's library, in Spanish
2 p.m.: Derija Lesson
4 p.m.: Nap and Dinner
6:30 p.m.: Teach English
8 p.m.: Spanish/Arabic Poetry reading at Cervantes
9:30 p.m.: Chat with my roommate in English
10 p.m.: Skype with my boyfriend in Spanish and Japanese

Life is good.  Life is really, really good.

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