Time Enough
I asked some of my students last Saturday (Oct. 31) what words they associated with Halloween.  Among the answers?  "Santa Clause!"  and "Snowmen!" 

My brother again has become a golf celebrity here.  I told my students about how he works at a golf course and is in the PGA, and in our next class, they still remembered all kinds of things about him, like his name and how old he was and that he worked in one state and studied in another.  It was very cute.

I have 6 hours a week of Mosaic tiling at a local, government sponsored craft school.  It's like a free apprenticeship, and is just amazing!  Ali, my teacher, is very enthusiastic and each day teaches us a new design.  So maybe I will switch careers and go into tiling! 

Friday was a government holiday, so my roommate Mary, my friend Anisa and I went to Tangier for a Latin music festival.  I missed everything latin so much, and it felt so good to be in such a comfortable and familiar environment.  The more people got into it, the more casual it became, the closer people got, the more tank tops I saw... it was nice for just a minute to feel like I was in a familiar place with close friends and different cultural expectations.   I met this guy from Mexico whose company had sent him to Morocco for a few months, and it felt good to speak Spanish with someone who shared my dialectal persuasion.   
11/8/2009 11:20:40 pm

Hey Alaina,
Are there any cute girls in your class that you could possibly somehow introduce to Adam since they are so interested in him??? Ha Ha. Just kidding, Adam. Sounds like the Latin festival was fun. I'm glad you went to it with your friends. I sure to miss you but love keeping up with you on your blog.


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