Time Enough
I teach a class of 12 year-olds every Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.  While I appreciate my students on an individual basis, the experience has taught me that I really don't want to teach 12 year olds.

Last term, I had my students make their own TV shows.  They picked the genre, wrote the scripts and acted it out while I filmed everything on my digital camera.  They were pretty into the project, and some of them turned out quite nice.  Anyway, while the students were busy working, I decided to snap some pictures for my my own posterity.  Right as I snapped a picture of a group of girls, the wildest of the boys decided to throw his marker in front of the camera.  The result?  Priceless. 

Refer me back to this picture if I ever say I want to go back to teaching kids.

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