Time Enough

Nice weather and my camera finally coincided at the university I teach at, so I can at long last post some pictures of the campus.

I have never been on a campus with so much water, so many waterfalls and so many koi/carp!  It really is beautiful.  Notice the pictures of animals on the front of one of the buildings.  That is the animal taxidermy museum.  That is also where I teach!  Yep, sometimes on my breaks I check out whale skeletons and stuffed lions.  It's pretty cool... and kinda creepy. 

In the second to last photo, notice what may or may not be Mt. Fuji in the background. I was told that one could see Fuji-san from the top of this university building, and as that was the only mountain I could see, I decided it was Mt. Fuji and took lots of pictures.  Enjoy!

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