Time Enough
You will never go to bed without learning something new.  So true for me lately.  I'm learning so much here.  And re-learning things, too.  Here are a few things I have learned, and a few ones I have re-learned as well:

1. Teeth do not make good nutcrackers, and that includes pistachios (re-learned).
2. Pistachios are delicious (re-learned). Pistachio yogurt- even better (learned).
3. My boyfriend is a freaking genius (re-learned).
4. Missouri is spelled with two Ss and is not only next to Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma, but also Illinois, Kentucky and Tennessee (re-learned, I guess...)
5. Avocados, when done in the right way, make a delicious dessert (learned).
6. Dessert is also spelled with two Ss.  But not desert (re-learned)
7. I could eat canned tuna just about every day of my life (learned)
8. Batman is in Turkey, and I am referring to the city and the country, respectively (learned).
9. Turkish and Arabic have many cognates (like the words for idea, minute, need, etc.) (learned)
10.  Maps don't work in Morocco. (learned)
11. Moroccan movie theaters are cultural "free-zones" and 'besos' are like popcorn - you enjoy them throughout the movie (learned... strictly through observation of course!)
12. Sheep intestines are fun to braid (learned)
13. Sheep can walk up stairs (learned)
14. Henna can be used to dye your hair in addition to decorating skin (re-learned, again through observation)
15. I love this film called "Elf", even after seeing it 4+ times (learned)
16. I like teaching 14 year olds, when they are nice and cute 14 year olds (learned)
17. Things can get lost in the mail. Forever. (learned, unfortunately)
18.  There are stars in squares and crosses in circles and squares in circles and circles in squares and all of this is made from intersecting lines coming from distant points.  (learned)
19. A compass can be used to measure distance. (learned)
20. The rules we say are not always the rules we teach. (learned)

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