Time Enough
I'm sick.  Again.  Last week it was a stomach flu.  This week, it's a swine flu.  Not THE swine flue, but a swine of a flu that has me coughing so badly my ribs hurt.  I went to the pharmacy and got some drugs, but the road to recovery has been a slow one.  I really hope I am not sick like this all winter.  I have plans that don't involve sleeping all day and do involve breathing normally. 

Fall weather has finally arrived, with charcoal gray skies, window-rattling winds and freak rain storms.  I kind of like this weather.  I like wearing a bunch of layers and drinking hot beverages all the time.  It feels good.  It reminds me of home!
12/2/2009 02:04:16 pm

oh, sweetie! i'm sorry you are sick! everyone in san francisco is sick, too. and my friend kiely might have had 'the' swine flu...and she spent the night at my house the day before we realized she was really sick. yikes! here's hoping my immune system holds out. i've already had one cold this season. damn viruses. i miss you. like hecka miss you. hope we talk soon. take care of your self, angel-ina! xo


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