Time Enough

Today we took the kiddos to Zoorasia (sounds like "Jurassic"), near Yokohama.  It was an optional trip for the students, and so just two of my students came, Maki and Masataka.  We had a really nice time walking around, looking at the animals, and taking many silly pictures (see below!).  The weather was unexpectedly nice, considering rainy season "started" on June 10th.  To be honest though, the weather has been nicer during rainy season than before it's carefully scheduled arrival.  I think it's really funny that the start of rainy season was assigned an exact day on which to start.  It's like people in Pennsylvania saying, "Ok, the snow is going to arrive on November 13th".  To be honest though, I half expected the weather to follow it's meticulously planned Japanese schedule.  I feel a little cheated.  I think the weather system owes me a free train pass to make up for the delay...

Anyway, the strange animal with the long tongue in pictures 4 and 5 is an Okapi, the pride and joy of this particular zoo.  It looks like it's half horse, half zebra, but it's actually related to the giraffe (hence the long tongue).   The picture of the penguin is for my brother Adam, for all those times I forced his toy penguins to commit suicide by hanging themselves with Kiki, and leaving them for him to find, lifeless and cold, in his bedroom closet.  Look closely and you will see a penguin laying on his belly, like he's ready to go down a slide.  So cute!

7/1/2009 04:14:39 pm

OMG, I am laughing out loud alone in a public place (not really that unusual for me). Did you really do that to Adam's poor penguins?? Twisted, Lain, twisted. I picture poor Popper Peepers with little x's over his bulging eyeballs...and I never knew Kiki had such a sordid past...xxoo


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